Some of our learners located in mainland China have reported issues accessing Proctortrack with our site. They have found that following these instructions can help:
If you are getting the “Connection unsuccessful due to DNS issue” message in Proctortrack, then follow the instructions below related to resolving DNS:
Delete the already downloaded version and download and run the latest version
Try changing the DNS to and
Try changing the internet connection, e.g. use the mobile hotspot if possible
If you are still having trouble, please try changing the hosts file (for Windows, add an entry for “”)
If you are not getting the DNS message error and still Proctortrack is unable to connect to the browser, then follow the steps below related to allowing / local traffic in your proxy settings:
Make sure you are using the latest version of Proctortrack app (since the app is not able to connect and auto-update, best is to delete the current version and download afresh)
Check your proxy settings and exclude the local traffic and traffic related to from proxy
Windows and macOS screenshots attached below in case of manual proxy in use
Please revert the network settings changes after your exam
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