Official Transcripts are not available for MITx MicroMasters programs. Instead, learners are provided with a Program Record for their MITx MicroMasters Program Credential in Supply Chain Management. To share your Program Record, follow these guidelines:
Program Record: Instead of a traditional transcript, learners are provided with a Program Record, which summarizes their progress and completion of the MicroMasters program. You are encouraged to share your Program Record with employers, schools, or other relevant parties to showcase your achievements. For more information on how to view and share your program record, please refer to the edX Help Center article "Viewing and sharing your program record."
Course Certificates: In addition to the Program Record, you can also share your individual Course Certificates. Each course you successfully complete will award you a separate Verified Certificate. These certificates serve as tangible evidence of your proficiency in specific subjects within the MicroMasters program.
MIT SCALE SCMr or SCMb Programs: If you are applying to the MIT SCALE SCMr or SCMb programs, the SCM MicroMasters team will generate a summary of your work at the time your application is accepted. You do not need to take any additional action in this case.
Pathways to Graduate Programs: The MITx MicroMasters Program Credential in Supply Chain Management offers pathways to graduate degrees through partnerships with various universities worldwide. These pathways allow learners who have earned the MicroMasters Program Credential to receive credit for completed courses or waive certain requirements of the graduate program. For more information on participating institutions and pathways to a graduate program, visit the Pathways to a Graduate Program page.
Please note that the availability of Program Records, Course Certificates, and recognition of the MicroMasters Program Credential may vary depending on the institution or organization you are sharing them with. It's important to refer to the specific requirements and guidelines of each recipient when sharing your achievements.
If you have further questions or if an institution is not listed as a pathway and you are interested in a graduate program, you can have a staff or faculty member of the program connect with the MITx MicroMasters team at They can explore the possibility of building a credit pathway with the institution.
Remember to always provide accurate and verifiable information when sharing your program record or Course Certificates to maintain the integrity of your accomplishments.
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