The passing grade for each individual course in the MicroMasters program is determined by the instructor and is typically set at around 60% or higher. Meeting this passing grade requirement is sufficient to successfully complete the course and earn a Verified Certificate for that specific course.
However, it's important to note that the requirements for achieving the MicroMasters program credential may be different and go beyond just earning a passing grade in each course. The MicroMasters program credential is awarded upon the successful completion of all five SCx courses in the program, as well as the passing of the Comprehensive Final Exam (CFx).
It's also worth noting that while the MicroMasters program credential can be a valuable achievement and may provide certain benefits, it is separate from any admissions process for graduate programs. When applying to a graduate program at MIT or any other institution, the actual scores and performance in the MicroMasters program may be taken into consideration as part of the admissions process, but the criteria and evaluation for admission are independent of earning the MicroMasters program credential.
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