The MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance is a certification program offered by MITx, which is administered by the MIT Sloan School of Management and supported by the MIT Office of Open Learning. This program is designed to provide learners with in-depth knowledge and skills in finance, equivalent to the level of graduate-level coursework offered at MIT.
The program consists of six intensive online courses—five Content Courses and a Comprehensive Final Exam Course (CFx). The five Content Courses cover various aspects of finance, including modern finance, financial accounting, mathematical methods for quantitative finance, and derivatives markets. These courses provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of finance theory and practice. The Comprehensive Final Exam tests learners on the material they've learned over the course of the program.
Learners who successfully complete the program earn the MITx MicroMasters Program Credential in Finance. This credential signifies the learner's mastery of the subject matter and can be included on resumes or professional profiles. Additionally, learners who earn the Program Credential receive a signed letter certifying their completion; gain access to a private LinkedIn group for credential holders; and become Affiliate Members of the MIT Alumni Association, which offers various benefits and networking opportunities.
One significant advantage of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance is that learners who earn the program credential and meet the additional requirements are eligible to apply for admission to the MIT Sloan Master of Finance Program. If admitted, learners may be granted graduate credit for the MicroMasters courses completed online, allowing for an accelerated path toward earning a master's degree in finance at MIT. However, it's important to note that the MicroMasters Program itself is not a degree-granting program, and the MicroMasters Program Credential does not guarantee admission to MIT or any of the MIT Sloan graduate programs on its own.
Program Structure
To complete the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance, learners must successfully complete all five Content Courses and the Comprehensive Final Exam Course (CFx). Upon successful completion of each course on the Verified (Paid) enrollment track, learners will earn a MicroMasters Course Certificate. Upon earning the Course Certificate for the Comprehensive Final Exam, learners will receive the MITx MicroMasters Program Credential in Finance.
Course Structure
This MicroMasters Program offers its five Content Courses in an On-Demand, Self-Paced format. The Self-Paced format allows learners to learn the material and complete the coursework at their own pace.
The Comprehensive Final Exam (CFx) is offered as an Instructor-Paced course. The CFx is offered twice each year, in the Spring (April/May) and Fall (October/November). Enrollment in the CFx is limited to learners who have already earned the Course Certificates for all five MMFin Content Courses. Eligible learners will be notified and enrolled into the CFx by the MMFin team at least one month before the CFx period.
Self-Paced Courses — The Content Courses
In an MMFin Self-Paced course session, all Course Content—including lecture material, coursework assignments, and the Final Exam—is available to learners from the start date of the course session. Coursework Assignments do not have strict deadlines during the session—though all Coursework must be submitted before the end of the course session! The platform will present suggested due dates for learner planning convenience, but these dates can be shifted to adjust for schedule changes.
To pass a Content Course, learners will need to complete Coursework Assignments and a Timed Final Exam. Coursework Assignments will contribute 50% of the Total Course Score, and the Timed Final Exam will contribute the other 50%. Learners must achieve a Total Course Score of 60% or more to pass the course and earn a Course Certificate.
Instructor-Paced Courses — The Comprehensive Final Exam (CFx)
Unlike the Content Courses, the MMFin program's capstone, the Comprehensive Final Exam (CFx) is not available for completion year-round. The CFx is offered as an Instructor-Paced course, which means that it runs on a strict schedule. The CFx is available twice each year, in the Spring and Fall.
For more information about exams, see these FAQ articles:
For more information about the MMFin MicroMasters Program, and to enroll, visit the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance edX Page
For more information about the MIT Sloan Master of Finance Program, see the FAQ article How do I apply for the MIT Sloan Master of Finance?
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