To prepare for a Proctored Exam in the MicroMasters program in Finance (MMFin), we recommend you review the material for each of your relevant courses, including all Graded Problem Sets and exams. See below for more details.
Once you are enrolled in a course with a Proctored Exam, you will be notified on the home page of your courseware, and an Onboarding Exam will become available to you after the start of the course.
Note: In the past, a Proctored Exam was present at the end of every MMfin course. Starting with Foundations of Modern Finance I in September 2023, however, most MMFin learners will take only one Proctored Exam—the Comprehensive Final Exam—after they have earned the Course Certificates for all five MMFin Content Courses.
However, some learners who had already completed part of the MMFin program when the Comprehensive Final was introduced may opt to take a Proctored Exam at the end of each of their remaining MMFin Content Courses instead of completing the Comprehensive Final Exam. All such eligible learners should have received one or more notification emails from the MMFin team in August-September 2023. For more information, please refer to the Important Program Updates section of the MMFin Program Page, and/or refer to the Program Updates FAQ article.
- Complete the Onboarding Exam Process: As part of Onboarding, you will be guided through several steps below, including the process of installing the proctoring software, testing your computer and webcam's compatibility, and verifying your identity.
Install Proctoring Software: Before taking the proctored exam, make sure to install the designated proctoring software on your computer. This software allows for monitoring of your computer during the exam to ensure exam integrity. Follow the instructions provided by your course team to download and install the software.
Check Webcam Functionality: Ensure that your webcam is in good working condition and properly connected to your computer. You will need it to take photos of yourself and your photo ID, as well as to scan the room where you will take the exam.
Familiarize Yourself with Exam Rules: Review the exam rules and requirements provided by your course team. These rules outline the behavior and actions that are allowed during the exam and any specific guidelines you need to follow. It's important to adhere to these rules to ensure a smooth and successful exam experience. Read more details here.
Review Course Materials: To prepare for the exam, thoroughly review all course materials, including video lectures, problem sets, solved problems, and supplementary materials. Make sure you have a good understanding of the concepts covered in the course and can successfully solve the problems presented.
Practice Problem Solving: Work through the problem sets and practice solving problems related to the course content. This will help you build confidence in your understanding of the material and improve your problem-solving skills.
Utilize Additional Resources: Take advantage of any additional resources provided by your course team, such as practice exams or review sessions. These resources can further enhance your preparation and readiness for the exam.
You can take Proctored Exams using the same computer or device you use to complete your online courses— however please note that Proctored Exams may not be completed using the edX mobile app. Specific details and instructions regarding your Proctored Exam will be provided within the applicable course session on the edX platform.
It's important to carefully review the guidelines and requirements for your specific proctored exam, as they may vary between courses. The MMFin Program Team or the MicroMasters Support Team will provide you with all the necessary information on how to access and complete your proctored exam.
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