A small number of the courses that are now part of the Data, Economics, and Design of Policy DEDP MicroMasters program were offered individually, on the edX platform, in the past. If you completed, passed, and earned a Verified Course Certificate for any of those now-DEDP courses, you do not have to retake them.
If you completed any DEDP courses on either of the edX or MITx Online platforms in the past, but did not earn a Verified Course Certificate (or a MicroMasters Course Certificate), you may not have to retake the courses, but you will need to pay the course fee and sit for the Proctored Exam in order to earn the MicroMasters Course Certificate.
In either case, please reach out directly to dedp-micromasters-support@mit.edu with a description of your situation and all of the relevant information about yourself and your course completion for further information.
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