What is the Capstone Exam?
- How Many Times Can I Attempt the SDS Capstone Exam Course?
- I purchased the SDS Program Bundle — How do I Verify/Upgrade for the Capstone Exam? I'm being asked to pay again!
- How do I prepare an environment to take the SDS Capstone Exam when I am ready to begin the test?
- What is the SDS Capstone Exam?
- What is a virtually-proctored exam?
- What will the SDS virtually-proctored exam be like?
- What if I have a disability-related request regarding the Capstone Exam?
- How do I enroll in the SDS Capstone Exam? What is the Eligibility Criteria?
- What is the objective of the SDS Capstone Exam?
- What is the syllabus of the SDS Capstone Exam?
- Can I take the SDS Capstone Exam with the edX mobile app?
- Will there be a practice exam for the SDS Capstone Exam?
- Are we allowed to use cheatsheets for the SDS Capstone Exam?
- What are the rules for the cheatsheets for the SDS Capstone Exam?
- What is not allowed during the SDS Capstone Exam?
- What is allowed for Part 1—Exam 1: Probability and Exam 2: Statistics Theory?
- What is allowed for Part 2—Exam 3: Statistics and Exam 4: Machine Learning?
- What are the computer/system requirements for the SDS Capstone Exam?
- What will I need for the SDS Capstone exam?
- What do I need to bring with me to take the SDS Capstone Exam?
- Would I need to take the SDS exams in any particular order?
- What is the SDS Capstone grading policy?